The Muslim World & Construction of Europeanness

Jean Monnet Chair COAWARE at Istanbul 29 Mayıs University cordially invites you to a guest lecture, join us on this Saturday (08 January 2022):

This event will be a webinar with Dr. Oğuzhan Göksel from Marmara University. This seminar is structured to critically discuss the origins of ‘‘Europeanness’’ and to analyze the impact of historical and contemporary encounters with the Muslim world on the social construction of this concept. This event will be chaired by Oğuzhan Barçın, Assistant to the Jean Monnet Chair. Registration is compulsory and the working language will be English, with no translation. This guest lecture will be held on Zoom, and the Zoom link will be sent prior to the meeting.

Register here

Thank you for your consideration and participation.


  • Tür: Online
  • Yer: Zoom
  • Başlangıç: 8 Ocak 2022 14:00
  • Konuşmacı: Dr. Oğuzhan Göksel
Görüntülenme: 1797 Yayınlanma Tarihi: 7 Ocak 2022